it was mother is a cook ( i would say chef ) and i've always loved what she served us and she has always taken great care in providing us with healthy & delicious meals. i was inspired to do the same for my family & i hope my daughters do the same for theirs. i feel bad when i hear about young ladies getting married & not knowing how to cook anything but boxed mac & cheese. actually, last week was the first time that i made baked ziti & i've been married almost 10 years. i know some people make it once a week (which is fine if that's what they want to keep doing, but for those who are looking for a change, I thought I'd give some inspiration). and so, i have started a food blog to help get some creative juices flowing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prov. 10:22

The blessings of the Lord makes rich, and adds no sorrow with it.

My husband and I have been working super hard at getting debt free & we are almost there.
We took "Dave Ramsey's financial peace" course and in 18 months, paid off $32,000.
we only have a $28,000 college loan left & will pay that off over the next 2 years. (not as hard core but we will try to pay about $1000-$1200/mo.)that was not including $14,000 in credit cards ( that we lived on while Owen went to college) that we paid off before starting the class , after we closed out our business.
we started the class by making a list of our monthly debt....$1851/mo of minimum payments
(not including....tithe, mortgage, food, gas, utilities, clothes or extra) this is including back taxes that we didn't realize we would owe. it's really bad when you expect a tax return of several thousand & actually owe several thousand. we had cleared out our savings to pay off the credit cards and "we will put it right back when we get our tax return" a~hem. except....YOU OWE!!!
so, we payed a lot a month toward that. but.....
now, our minimum payment is $78 on a student loan.
(of course we are going to pay tons more) but the point is that we have tried hard to follow these principals & we love having tons left over at the end of the month. we are free to bless others in need & have money to spend of our own too. Taking charge of our finances and working as a team has really made our marriage better. we both have a say & Owen is not wondering where all of his hard earned cash went to a few days after payday. We have come so far & are so grateful & we feel so blessed. like Dave Ramsey says " money is is not evil or good,
it is the love of money that is the root of all evil " & our love is for God and each other. As we watched our presbetary today, it was awesome to see the things that God spoke over us coming to pass. *sigh. it's great to see & feel how the Lord cares for His children.

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